The Top 4 Things You Should Know As a First-Time Pet Owner

Get Tips For Owning Your First Pet

Pets can add so much joy to our lives; they bring an energy and playfulness that allows us to feel young, and they’re great motivators to stay or get in shape. First-time pet owners will be astounded at how much easier it is to get up and get going when there’s an adorable dog waiting for his daily run. In fact, just playing with a dog in the park can help you get in a workout and boost your mood! According to, working out with your dog can even help him learn obedience if you know where to start.

Choosing the right pet when you’ve never owned one before can be a daunting process; figuring out the best animal for your family and how to meet his needs is a big decision that should not be entered into lightly, so it’s best to be well-informed and prepared before starting the process.

1. Consider these important aspects of pet ownership prior to adopting a pet.

Because pets can be a lot of work --it’s almost like having a young child--it’s imperative that you make sure you have the knowledge and the time to get him acclimated to your apartment. Potty-training, obedience training, and sleep training are some of the most difficult things to teach a new pet, especially if they’re young, and they require some measure of patience.

Fortunately, there are several ways you can prepare for a new pet that are simple and won’t break the bank. Read on to find out how.

2. Do the Research

Pets need a lot of love and attention, so it’s important to keep that in mind when you’re researching what type of animal to get, as some don’t require quite as much interaction as others. For instance, cats are usually much more content to be left alone in the house during the day than dogs are in the same situation.

The breed of animal you get is also important, especially if you have young children, as some work better with kids than others. Look online to find information about various types of pets and look at how much they eat, how big they get, and what health issues they face, if any. Some small dogs that have pushed-in faces tend to have respiratory problems, which can make it hard for them to live in certain climates. 

3. Prep Your Apartment

Once you’ve found the right pet for your family, prepare your apartment by making sure you have all the things he’ll need to be safe and happy, such as food and water bowls, a collar and leash, toys, bedding, treats and toiletries. Having these things ready will help your pet have a smooth transition on his first day in your home. Also, take the time to go through your apartment to look for any hazards, such as potentially poisonous plants, exposed wires, loose carpeting that can pull on small toenails as well as slick floors. Animals can receive serious injuries from falls on slippery surfaces.

4. Find the Right Veterinarian

If possible, look for a vet who has an office close to where you live, as this will be helpful in the event of an emergency. Let your pet meet the veterinarian and build some trust. Ask about the services they offer, such as home visits, especially if you choose a rescue animal who will be frightened by a trip to the vet’s office.

Remember that your pet needs lots of attention and love, especially during his first few weeks with you, so take some time to play with him and give cuddles. If you choose a rescue animal, it’s also important to make him feel safe and help him get acclimated to his new home.

Jessica Brody is a staff writer for