The Orlando March of Dimes Breakfast

On Saturday Jackie and I got up bright and early to head off to the 2011 Central Florida March for Babies Kickoff Breakfast.

The event was sponsored by Florida Hospital for Children in Orlando (it is a beautiful hospital if you have not seen it yet).

Amber and Jackie

The band En Session did a great job keeping everyone entertained while we ate and mingled. Later we were welcomed by Nikki Gokey Chair of March for Babies March of Dimes Board of Directors. Master of Ceremonies Dick Batchelor kept us laughing thanking all of the sponsors and welcoming the newbie’s (like myself).

Jackie and I were deeply touched by the ambassador family for 2011 - Jeffrey Portia and Ryleigh Brown - and their amazing story.

They said “To conceive Ryleigh was in itself a miracle". The Browns had a history of pregnancy loss and for years were told by doctors they could no longer conceive.

But they did. And were so excited.

The Browns had a normal pregnancy until 22 weeks before things started to go wrong. Ryleigh was born 2 pounds 14 ounces. She had to spend quite some time in the NICU struggling but she made a full recovery.

Ryleigh was released from the hospital on September 3rd; a day after her original due date weighing over 6 pounds.

This is their amazing story and I am so happy to know being a part of something such as March of Dimes can give us hope that more babies can get through tomorrow and have a brighter future. I think this is what this causes are for.

YOU can be a part of this march too.

Join us and our mission to help save babies by making a donation to the CMC Orlando March of Dimes Donation Page.
