Ocala's Best Dressed Man.

Not the title you'd expect to read about on this blog; but over the weekend we had the thrill of meeting Ocala.com's multimedia producer Kamau Hosten and his lovely fiancé Heather.

Turns out he's up for
Esquire Magazine's Best Dressed Real Man
contest...the kicker? He's already been in the rankings in 2009 as a top 25 semifinalist and though the contest isn't over yet he's already rated in this year's top 25 and he's vying for a top 5 post. We think he could be a winner...and how great would it be to say "The Best Dressed Man hailes from North Central Florida".

Take a minute to check out his looks or you can read his style blog here or catch him daily with the News Minute on Ocala.com. Good Luck Kamau!