How To Host Thanksgiving In Your Apartment

If you’re hosting a Thanksgiving gathering this year and have plenty of friends and family you’d like to invite but little space in your apartment to entertain them, there are several ways to make it work! Florida apartments come in all shapes and sizes with varying square footage. While some may be easily permissive of hosting holiday gatherings and dinner parties, others might require helpful hacks.

No matter the size of your apartment, with a little preparation before Turkey Day, you’re sure to host a gathering worth remembering! Here, Contemporary Management Concepts, LLLP, discusses how to host Thanksgiving in your apartment this holiday season. Looking for a new apartment for rent in Florida? Contact us today to schedule a tour of our apartments in Florida.

Narrow Down Your Guest List

Modest living spaces offer the benefit of allowing for more intimate gatherings, but that also means you’ll probably have to pare down your guest list to ensure everyone has room and that your gathering is an enjoyable one. When deciding who to invite, remember you can invite other friends and family members to other gatherings in the future. Be sure to note whether people on your guest list already have other plans for Thanksgiving to help narrow down your list of invitees.

Keep It Simple

One of the best pieces of advice we can give when it comes to hosting holiday gatherings is keeping it simple. More than anything, Thanksgiving is about the people you gather and the memories you create with one another. With all of the planning and possibilities of hosting Turkey Day, it can quickly become overwhelming to consider all the factors of taking on a gathering. When in doubt, don’t sweat the small stuff! In fact, the more simple your decorations, place settings, and alterations to your existing space, the more time and mental energy you have to focus on the food and your guests!

Make It A Potluck

Cooking a full-on Thanksgiving meal in a small kitchen is a difficult feat. You’d likely rather not spend the entire gathering in the kitchen or over a hot stove, where you’ll miss out on the fun and company. To leverage the maximum benefits during your Thanksgiving event, we recommend transforming your gathering from a dinner where you’re in charge of cooking and serving all the food to a potluck where everyone in attendance takes part! If you want to handle the main course and beverages, consider recruiting guests to bring all the side dishes, desserts, and whatever else you need.

Rearrange Your Space

A small space can put a hamper on a big gathering. Once you’ve pared down your guest list and assigned dishes for each guest to bring, it’s time to make some minor adjustments to your apartment set-up. Depending on your current furniture layout, you might consider moving small furniture and furnishings from the center of the living room and/or dining room so that you and your guests can gather in one area comfortably and without obstructions. You can purchase or borrow and install a lengthy dining table and chairs in the space if you want your Thanksgiving gathering to feel like a traditional Thanksgiving dinner.