Image of 5 Tips To Refresh Your Apartment This New Year

5 Tips To Refresh Your Apartment This New Year

It's a brand-new year! But, now that all your holiday decorations are down, your Florida apartment may be feeling a little empty. So, aside from freshening up and getting a new start on your own life, the New Year is also the perfect time to refresh your apartment in Florida. To help give you some ideas, Contemporary Management Concepts, LLLP has outlined some ways that you can refresh your apartment and get it ready to take on the new year!

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Scrub It Down

The New Year is the perfect time to transform your life and straighten up all the clutter built up throughout the year. To refresh your apartment, straighten up those blankets you broke out for the colder weather and take care of any clutter that you have scattered throughout your apartment. Focus on one room each week, giving it a deep clean, including dusting your ceiling fans.

Clear Your Closet

While the closets and their messes are often out of sight out of mind, a disorganized closet or dresser can eventually spill out onto the floor. One of the best ways to get your clothes organized is by sorting them into piles, such as "every day," "Seasonal," and "clothes that you forgot you had," as this will make it easier to purge your closet of things you don't wear anymore. Be sure to donate any leftover clothes that can still be worn by others!

Add Some Color

One of the easiest and more fun ways to refresh your apartment is to add a pop of color, whether this is small, such as changing out your throw pillows, or something bigger, such as custom furniture. Adding a pop of color can be fun and show off your personality without making too much of a statement or fundamentally changing the look of the apartment.

Embrace Greenery

With all the grays and browns in the wintertime, it can be easy to think of this time as a dreary season, but this doesn't mean your apartment has to be dreary as well! You can add some extra life to your apartment by bringing in plant life! Aside from them just looking pretty, they can help brighten your mood and provide you with fresh oxygen! The vibrant color of the plants can also add a bit of style to your home!

Welcome Wall Art

Wall art is a great way to add a pop of color to your walls, plus they come in easy to apply and easy to remove options. If you are nervous about installing wall art, you can always start somewhere small, such as a bathroom or laundry room. Wall art is an easy way to make a boring wall more exciting!